Tag : Nicholas-Solbinsky Convent

135 posts

Consecration of water on the river in the forest. All with the feast of the Epiphany!
Outside the window is white, all the paths are covered with snow ...
Purely by chance got on a holiday. I went to school today, the building was closed. I saw the children, asked what was happening, it turned out that it turns out that we have a holiday today. Unexpectedly and very nicely) Holiday Gift from the Lord of the Diocese of the Yaroslavl Region
Epiphany frosts begin
A gift from my little roommate Melania (4 years). Sometimes she bothers me, but I still love her))
Someone wants to live in the capital, and for the happiness of someone enough only forests ...
Today, children made Christmas tree decorations using the technique of felting, using a gift set
We celebrate Christmas, for the first time I will visit the night service))