Today there was a lesson of World Artistic Culture in grade 11, in which students studied the theme "The heyday of art of the Pushkin era." We got acquainted with the poetry, music, architecture of this period.

During the lesson the students learned:
- What is Bel canto
- What is Romance
- Warrant
- Antamblement
- Attic

Master of my days!
The spirit of idleness is dull,
Lubachaliya, the serpent hid this,
And do not give idle talk to my soul -
But let me see mine, O God of sin,
Yes, my brother will not accept a conviction from me,
And the spirit of humility, patience, love
And chastity in my heart revive.

A.S. Pushkin
"The fathers of the desert and the virgins are blameless", 1836
(The poem was created based on the magnificent prayer of Ephraim Sirin ")

Владыко дней моих!
Дух праздности унылой,
Любоначалия, змеи сокрытой сей,
И празднословия не дай душе моей —
Но дай мне зреть мои, о Боже прегрешенья,
Да брат мой от меня не примет осужденья,
И дух смирения, терпения, любви
И целомудрия мне в сердце оживи.

А. С. Пушкин
«Отцы пустынники и девы непорочны», 1836
(Стихотворение создано на основе великолепной молитвы Ефрема Сирина»)