It is time to find out what is right and what is not.
1. I am studying for a historian — that’s right. This year I finish the sixth course
2. My favorite pet rabbit. — Right. Since childhood, most of all I love rabbits and hares.
3. I do not have a favorite color. — Right. I am an artist and do not have the right to a favorite color.
4. I sit on the splits. — Wrong. Although I knew how to sit on it, but now, after a muscle injury, I cannot yet. It is necessary to wait when everything is restored.
5. I have pets. — Wrong.
6. I write poems — Right
7. I love children — right
8. I participated in an archaeological expedition — Wrong. Passed the archaeological practice in the laboratory
9. Doing charity — That’s right.
10. I am 25 years old — True