Many girls face such a problem, at a party you want to look original and unique. I want beautiful and unique photos. But they understand that in identical dresses the queen of the party will not work.
Once, a girl with a non-standard figure turned to me for help. In the store, as you know, it is difficult in this case to choose clothes, and even more so dress for a party. She asked to decorate it with embroidery. For the embroidery of the dress, I developed a sketch of the drawing itself, after which I began to work. When I sent her a photo of a cut with embroidery, she replied, «Super !!! Krosotischi then what !!!!». After the cut was transferred to the tailoring and get a gorgeous exclusive dress for the party. The girl’s dream came true.
Any problem always has a solution. Sometimes you need a little more time, sometimes a little less. But it is! Previously, I often met with problems of this kind — I will tell you about it and show you how to create a beautiful and unique embroidery on your dress. What you need to do and what to buy! In the near future I will make a series of posts on this topic!
In the meantime, I would like to know from you: What other questions are you interested in about exclusive clothing? I will be very glad to your questions, and on the basis of them I will tell you how to solve your questions!