A lot of people ask me questions regarding my creativity and pedagogical activity. In today's post, I will answer them.

1. "How did you choose your profession?" ?
Since childhood, I loved to be creative. At first it was of course simple children's crafts, but now I create works much more seriously.

2. "Needlework - is this your main job or hobby?" ?
At the moment, creativity is my main job in combination with studying and serving in the temple.

3. "Where do you get new ideas?" ?
Honestly, I don’t know where ideas come from, but there are so many of them that sometimes I don’t have time to write them down. The most important thing is to find time for their implementation.
4. "What do you like most about your work?" ?
Create beauty with your own hands and teach others to create this beauty.

5. "How long does it take to work?" ?
It depends on the complexity and size of the work.

6. "How can you learn artistic embroidery?" ?
Come to my classes if you are from Astrakhan or add to Skype, I will teach you.

7. "When did you start making handicrafts?" ?
I started to do needlework in childhood, I was 8 years old then.
8. "How do your loved ones relate to this activity?" ?
My loved ones approve of activities related to creative activity.

9. "What qualities do you think are important for this type of activity?" ?
I think that such qualities include: perseverance, creativity, hard work, dedication, the desire to create the beautiful with your own hands.
10. "What else do you do besides needlework?" ??️
In addition to crafts, I play guitar, sing, learn languages ​​(German, English, Church Slavonic, Greek), read books, do gymnastics, and study at the University at the Faculty of History for the 5th year. I work in the temple as a librarian and leader of the “Needlework” group, I read and sing in the choir.
11. "Why do you take so little money for classes in artistic embroidery, although it is known that they cost much more?" ??️
I take little money for classes, because first of all it is important for me to teach. Working as a teacher gives me pleasure. In assigning the cost of classes, I focus primarily on the financial situation of people, so that everyone can afford to learn the desired types of needlework.
12. "What are your creative plans?" ?
In addition to performing creative works to order, I plan to conduct classes in sewing and needlework. I also plan to write books on teaching and compile albums with patterns. I will not dwell on this, we need to develop further.

13. "Do you have a personal secret of success? Tell us about it" ?
The whole secret of success is that you need to love the work that you do.
14. "What project are you working on now?" ?
Currently I am preparing for Christmas and New Year in classes with children and independently.

15. “Do you conduct online master classes?” ?‍?️
Of course online master classes I spend on the YouTube channel and in Skype conferences! About upcoming master classes information will be in the news of the group.

16. «Wow, can you even learn for free?» ?‍?️ Training in VKontakte locations is free. For each discipline, a separate group has been created, in which you need to submit an application after submitting a questionnaire and receiving a letter in a drug. After you need to attend classes according to the schedule. Types of classes for training in VKontakte locations: — online broadcast — text lecture materials — photo materials — video lessons In addition, in the academy, there are locations: — Lounge — where you can chat with each other — Cinema — Assembly hall for online events — Library — Student government — Editorial Board of the Academy Full-time tuition and tuition by Skype — paid

17. "Can you choose the kind of needlework that you like?" ?
Sure you may. If you want, choose everything!

Bye for now! If you have more questions to me, ask! It is advisable to write questions in the post, but if you feel free to write in public, ask in person! See you!