The party started at 6:00. At first, the participants got to know each other.
At 7:30 the contest “Alphabet” began, where each guest should come up with a congratulation to the birthday girl on the next letter of the alphabet.

At 9:30, the contest «Search for the birthday boy». It was necessary to select a photo from the set of photos where the birthday was depicted. The one who coped with the task faster than the rest received a prize.

At 10:00, the contest “My gift” took place, each of the guests had to describe his gift in words, without naming his name. If the birthday man from the first time guessed what was hidden in the gift, then the participant received a incentive prize.

At 11:00, they played Fanta. Each participant had to offer another task. The one who was offered the task was to fulfill it.

Next, I prepared a gift for guests — a master class on embroidery strawberries

Мастер класс «Вышивка шнуром в прикреп на машине!

В 12:00 играли в игру «Козлятушки»
Из числа игроков выбирается двое водящих. Между собой они выбирают кто будет козой, а кто волком. Цель каждого из водящих – убедить остальных игроков, что он является козой. Задача козлятушек – определить кто из водящих настоящая коза, и впустить ее в домик. После того как козлятушки выбрали кого они впускают в дом, водящие сообщают, кто был козой, а кто волком.

Then I continued to share master classes! Embroidery roses artistic smoothness

At 13:00 the contest "Portrait" was held. Each participant painted a portrait of one of those present. After that, the portraits were uploaded to the comments under the post, and the players wrote the name of the person who, in their opinion, was drawn. After counted the number of correct answers. The artist who painted the most recognizable portrait was declared the winner.
Next, I prepared a master class on weaving a chain of beads on embroidery flowers artistic smoothness

At 15:00 the contest was organized by the Gazetteers. The competition was held in teams. Players of each team received an envelope with headlines cut from different newspapers. The task is to make a short story from newspaper phrases. You can add link words and cut headers into several parts. The audience chose the author of the most original story, which is awarded a prize.

During the competition a master class “Olonetsky seam for beginners” was placed .  and the option is more difficult

From 17:00 to 20:00 there was a quiz.

During the quiz, I posted a sequel to the video on embroidery «Olonets seam»

Master class on embroidery icons. Do not forget, before embroidering icons, you need to receive a blessing from a priest, and only after that you can get to work.

Placed answers to frequently asked questions regarding my work.

The first question is: "How did you choose your profession?"
Since childhood, I loved to be creative. At first it was of course simple children's crafts, and now I create works much more serious.

The second question: "Needlework is your main job or hobby?"
At the moment, I combine creativity with study

The third question is: "Where do you get new ideas?" Honestly, I don’t know where ideas come from, but there are so many of them that sometimes I don’t have time to write them down

The fourth question: "What do you like most about your work?"
Create beauty with your own hands

The fifth question: «Why is this kind of needlework?» Embroidery is my first profession, which I received as a student of Astrakhan College Art Fashion Industry from 2009 to 2012. I really enjoyed learning this craft. At the end of the school received the fifth grade.

The sixth question: «What materials are needed for the handicraft you have chosen?» For hand embroidery I use: floss threads, beads, cords, sequins, metal thread. For machine embroidery I use: bobbin cotton threads, silk threads, metal threads, beads, sequins, cords. Fabrics: from coarse calico to velvet, the choice of fabric depends on the purpose of the product and embroidery technique. Auxiliary material: adhesive and soluble and insoluble

The seventh question: «How much time does it take to work?» It depends on the complexity and size of the work.

The eighth question: «How can you learn artistic embroidery?» Come to my classes or add to skype, I will teach you

The ninth question: «When did you start to do needlework?» When i was eight years old

The tenth question: «How do your loved ones relate to this occupation?» My loved ones approve of creative activities.

Eleventh question: "What qualities do you think are important for this type of activity?"
I think that such qualities include: perseverance, creativity, hard work, dedication, the desire to create the beautiful with your own hands

The twelfth question: "What else do you do besides needlework?"
In addition to needlework, I play guitar, singing, learning languages ​​(German, English, Old Slavic), reading books, gymnastics, and studying at the University at the Faculty of History, moved to the 4th year
The thirteenth question: "Why do you take so little money for classes in artistic embroidery, although it is known that they cost much more?"
I take little money for classes, because first of all training is important for me. In assigning the cost of classes, I focus primarily on the material well-being of people, so that everyone can afford to be well trained in embroidery

The fourteenth question: «What are your creative plans?» In addition to embroidery, I plan to conduct classes in artistic embroidery. I also plan to write books on teaching artistic embroidery and draw albums with patterns. I will not dwell on this, we need to develop further.

Fifteenth question: «Do you have a personal secret of success? Tell us about it» The whole secret of success is that you need to love the work you do.

At 20:30 a lottery was held. Gifts are hidden behind the balls. The task of the participants is to write any number of one ball and as a prize, the participants received what was hidden behind it!

At 21:00 there was a disco. Everyone added music that he liked. At will, they published a dance or song in their performance.

Next, I shared the sequel to the video tutorial on embroidering icons.

At the end of the holiday competitions were summed up! Regina Sukhanova received a patch on Kitty’s clothes and two bracelets. Irina Butorina — received a panel of Pansies. Olga Morozova received a butterfly patch and bracelet. Nikita Belyaev got a towel with Krosh. Yulia Vishenka received an embroidered napkin, a butterfly patch on clothes, a bead bracelet. Julia Anisimova received a beaded bracelet.

And the main prize — the book written by me went to Olga Steshenko, as the most active participant in the online party! She also receives flowers from beads. And that is not all! Everyone who was in the list of participants of this event was awarded certificates for one free lesson in artistic embroidery, where you have the opportunity to choose any technique and form of the lesson.